
North Boston News

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Moulton Statement on the Debt Ceiling Deal


Seth Moulton | Seth Moulton Official website

Seth Moulton | Seth Moulton Official website

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA-06) made the following statement ahead of today’s vote on the Fiscal Responsibility Act:

“The deal that was negotiated by President Biden and Speaker McCarthy accomplishes what it needed to accomplish: it averts an untold economic catastrophe and rejects the extreme, dangerous demands of House Republicans. 

It’s not a perfect bill, and every one of us can find things in it we don’t like, but I will be voting for the legislation because it is the right thing to do for our country. 

This bill is a compromise. There are provisions included that I support, and others that I am against – like reducing desperately needed IRS funding to crack down on tax cheats. Funding the IRS returns about $5 to the American taxpayer for every $2 we spend by simply helping collect taxes people owe. In fighting to rescind funding from the IRS, House Republicans are directly helping wealthy tax cheats scam billions from the U.S. economy while the rest of us continue paying the taxes we legally owe.

Over the next two years, it is essential that we have tough debates about spending and revenue. Our debt is growing at an unsustainable rate, and I have no interest in passing this burden onto my children because today’s American adults can’t get our act together. But fighting over the debt ceiling itself is an embarrassment for America worldwide, not to mention damaging to our economy.

I hope my colleagues in Washington show some political courage to get the deal passed so that Congress can move on from this manufactured crisis and get on to more important business.”

Original source can be found here.